This article is intended for HelloTeam users with ADMIN Access Level
Steps to Update the CEO/Head of your Organization
There are two (2) sets of steps required to update the CEO/Head of your Organization.
First Step
Login to your HelloTeam account.
On the left-hand menu under System Management, dropdown Manage Permissions and select Access Groups
Select + Add access Group on the upper right-hand corner of the screen
We typically title these "Access to Create/Edit News & Events" or something along those lines
Add in a quick description for other admins to see
Click on Save > it will prompt you to add in those permissions
Scroll down to find the News and Events sections and check "add or modify news/events" (see screenshot below)
Scroll to the bottom of the page to Update
Second Step
The second part of this setup will be to select Users' Permissions under Manage Permissions
Locate the individual (scroll or filter at the top of the screen - only users invited to the platform can be assigned additional access groups)
Click on the Edit Pencil icon
Find the additional Access Group and click on Save