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One-on-One Template Ideas
Collin Peterson avatar
Written by Collin Peterson
Updated over a year ago

This article is intended for HelloTeam users with MANAGER Access Level

Manager Questions

  1. What engages you the most?

  2. What does it take for you to make full use of your abilities and look forward to going to work?

  3. Have you experienced any roadblocks in your daily work since the last time? If so, what can you do about it? How do I assist?

  4. Do you have all the resources you need to do your job well?

  5. Do you experience social support from your colleagues and from me as a leader? In what way and how can we help you in a better way?

  6. How is your work/life balance?

  7. Do you feel that you have an influence on your work? If not, what do you want more influence on and how?

  8. Have you been doing anything outside your comfort zone lately?

  9. In which areas do you need skills development?

  10. What are your short- and long-term career aspirations?

  11. Are you satisfied with our communication? When do you prefer which method (s) of communication?

Check In

  1. What is the most important thing we need to discuss today?

  2. What are your biggest accomplishments since we last met?

  3. What obstacles are you encountering right now?

  4. What are the most important things you will focus on before we meet next?

  5. What can I do better or differently as your manager to support you?


  1. What were your accomplishments this year and how do you feel about them?

  2. What could be improved and why? How would you go about these changes?

  3. Are you happy with your role in the organization? Do you want to expand/evolve your skill set?

  4. Is there anything the company or I can do to further support you (training, flexibility, etc.)?

  5. What are your long-term and short-term goals?

Growth & Development

  1. How would you describe success in your current role?

  2. What do you do that makes you a strong fit in your role?

  3. What part of your role do you enjoy the most?

  4. Which part of your current role are you struggling with?

  5. Where do you see yourself in the next few months?

  6. How can I help you get there?

  7. What is important to you as you consider to grow?

Career Development

  1. What activities in your job have you enjoyed the most and found most interesting? Which have you disliked?

  2. Which projects from the past year are you most proud of?

  3. What are your most valuable talents and skills?

  4. What are your career goals for the next year or two? What about 10 years from now?

  5. What are you already doing to reach those short- and long-term goals?

  6. What projects, committees or other responsibilities would you like to be a part of to help develop your career? Is there another department you’d like to learn more about?

  7. Would you like a mentor? Is there anyone in the company that you feel would be a good mentor? If not, can I recommend someone?

  8. Which development activity can you start on now that would be most beneficial to achieving your short-term goals? Your long-term goals?

  9. What can I do to help you get started?

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