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Goal Alignment
Collin Peterson avatar
Written by Collin Peterson
Updated over a year ago

Using Goals Within HelloTeam

Goals can be made on a Company, Department, Team or Personal Level.
Personal Goals have the ability to be made Private.

Company Goals

  • Company Goals are Goals connected to the whole Organization. These goals will be visible to all Employees and are used to provide visibility into what the Company is striving to achieve.

Department Goals

  • Department Goals are also visible to the whole organization. When clicking on the Department Goals tab, the Employee will automatically be filtered to view the Goals for the department that they are linked to within HelloTeam. That being said, Employees are able to view other Department’s Goals by using the dropdown and selecting the Department.

Team Goals

  • Team Goals work similarly to Department Goals. These are visible to the whole Organization and Employees associated with a Specific Team will have the default view of specifically their Team’s Goals. Use the dropdown to look into the Goals for different Teams.

Personal Goals

  • Each Employee within HelloTeam will be able to have their own Personal Goals. These goals can be made Private. Private Personal Goals will only be able to be seen by the Employee, Their Manager, and their Manager’s Manager.

  • Personal Goals that are not set to Private, will be visible on the Employee’s Profile, in the Current Goals section.

Goals within HelloTeam have the ability to be aligned with one another. This is best used when a specific goal is in relation to another Goal.

Example of a Personal Goal Aligned to a Department Goal

Employee Ariana has been given the Goal of finding Speakers for a Training her Department is hosting.

When creating the Personal Goal, Ariana aligned this goal to a goal that her Department is currently working on, Host More Trainings with Staff. Aligning a goal is done when creating the Goal, it can also be done after the Goal has been created by clicking Edit Goal.

When viewing the Department Goal, you will see that Ariana has a Personal Goal aligned.

As Ariana works on completing her Personal Goal, the Department goal will update on her progress. For example, Ariana has so far found 1 speaker out of her total goal of finding 3 speakers.

Now when navigating to the Department goal, you are able to see the completion percentage has adjusted accordingly, based on Ariana’s progress.
If you have set a weight to the Goal, this will factor in how much progress has been made in regard to completing the overall goal.

Continue to the next page for how to update goal progress.

How to Update Progress in Goals

  1. Login to your HelloTeam account.

  2. Click on Goals on the left-hand menu. The Goals page will display Company, Department, Team and Personal Goals.

  3. Navigate to the goal you wish to update progress on.

  4. If the goal’s calculation is set to Manual, you can slide the progress bar to provide a completion percentage.

  5. If the goal has Key Results attached to them, the progress from the Key results will factor into the overall goal completion.

  6. Key results can be tracked by a percentage, Target/Metric or binary (true or false).

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