Your administrator should have provided with a personalized URL link to access your training. This link is personalized based on your company name.
Please access your LMS by following the URL provided and entering your access credentials which you should have also received directly from your Training manager, administrator or through an automatically generated HelloTeam Training e-mail message.
Please keep in mind the following:
Your personalized URL is in the format: http(s)://[your-company], where [your-company] is your company's assigned LMS name. Please, do not prefix this URL with www.
Your access credentials are case-sensitive. If you are unable to log in, please recover your username and password from the "Forgot your login information?" section in the same page.
To access the link right from HelloTeam:
Log in to HelloTeam.
Click on My Profile in the left hand side menu.
Click on Open LMS next to Trainings.
If you have additional questions, please contact your HelloTeam Administrator or