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⚙️ Recognition Settings

Manage Settings for High Fives & Badges

Collin Peterson avatar
Written by Collin Peterson
Updated over a year ago

This article is intended for HelloTeam users with ADMIN Access Level

This article is specific to HelloTeam Administrators or those with specific access to Recognition.

High Fives and Badges are a great way to send recognition throughout the Organization. This article will help further explain the settings revolved around these recognition pieces in HelloTeam.

Video Tutorial

This video walks through how system administrators can manage and create badges as well as assign them to employees.

  • How to use one of HelloTeam's badges.

  • How to create custom badges.

  • How to assign badges to employees.

Steps to access Recognition Settings:

  1. Select the dropdown under Organization, below System Management on the left hand side menu.

  2. Click the Recognition tab.

High Fives

Click on the High Fives tab.

You have the ability to change the name of High Fives to whichever Peer to Peer recognition term that you would prefer to use.

In addition, you can limit the amount of High Fives that an Employee can give, in a specify time period. To have Employees be able to send as many as they would like, keep the Unlimited option box checked.

Lastly, you can chose if you would like to allow Employee's to give multiple High Fives per receiver.

When giving a High Five, Employees can assign a specific tag. A tag can be anything that is often tracked in your Organization or be in relation to any core values.

As a System Administrator, you will create these tags. Select Manage Tags in the top right hand corner.

Once you have added in the tags you wish to use, they will appear as an option to select when Employee's are giving a High Five.

Employee's can assign more than one tag to a High Five.


To set up and create Company Badges, select the Badges tab in Recognition under Organization.

To see the badges that we already have in HelloTeam, select Browse our Badges.

Here you will be able to see a list of Badges already built, if you wish to use them check the box to the left and click Save.

To create your own badges, select Create Company Badge.

Select an image from our library or upload your own photo. Give the badge a title and leave a description if you would like.

To assign an Employee a badge, click on the Assign icon and assign the Employee.

This badge will now appear on the Employee's Profile.

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