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Justworks - Service Account Authentication

How to create a Third Party Service Account within Justworks to set up an Integration

Collin Peterson avatar
Written by Collin Peterson
Updated over a week ago

This article is intended for HelloTeam users with ADMIN Access Level

Linking Video on how to create a Justworks Service Account + Link

Step One: Navigate to Manage Employees

On the Justworks Landing Page, navigate to the "Employees" section under "Manage" to add the Service Account.

Step Two: Click "Add" on the top right corner

Click "Add" on the top right hand corner of the screen to create a new Employee.

Step Three: Click "Add 3rd-Party"

After you click "Add", please navigate to the bottom of the screen to "Add third party or temp". Expand this section, and click "Add 3rd-party".

Step Four: Be sure to share your information/credentials with your HelloTeam representative so that they can complete your authentication.

Step Five: Add all the appropriate permissions

Once you "Invite HelloTeam", you will need to confirm the Service Account's permissions. Please confirm that the Service Account needs be an "Admin", with the below permissions. Our integration requires ALL of the below permissions to be applied to the Service Account - the integration will not complete if the Service Account is not an Admin, or does not have the below permissions enabled.

  • Edit Company Settings

    • This is required for our integration to view Company Information, Office Information + Location, and Department Information. Although Merge only will be viewing this information, Justworks requires EDIT Access in order to view this information, but Merge will not actually be editing any settings.

  • Manage Employees

    • This is required to view Employee Information, and access the Employee Census Report and the Work History Report.

  • View all employee information

    • This is required to view Employee Information, and access the Employee Census Report and the Work History Report.

  • View basic employee information

    • This is required to view Employee Information, and access the Employee Census Report and the Work History Report.

  • Upload and View all Documents

    • This is required to access the Employee Census Report and Work History Report.

  • View Invoices and Reporting

    • This is required to access the Employee Census Report and Work History Report.

The above Service Account creation flow + Permissions are requirements set forth by Justworks, and will allow for a secure + seamless integration once set up!

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