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Hibob - API Key Authentication

Help getting Hibob account linked using API Key Authentication

Collin Peterson avatar
Written by Collin Peterson
Updated over a week ago

This article is intended for HelloTeam users with ADMIN Access Level

Note: We will be deprecating our Hibob API Key authentication at the end of Q1 2024. Please use a Service User to authenticate by following the steps in this article!

Obtaining API key from Hibob:

  1. Log in and click on your avatar in the upper-right. Select API Access in the menu

  2. Leave the default approved scopes as shown below. Copy the token and add it to Merge Link.

Minimum permissions include:

  • Full employee read

  • Employee fields read

  • Time-off submit request & read who's out

Exhaustive list of scopes in Hibob:

To ensure you are viewing the most current information
regarding this specific HRIS, please visit:

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