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Generating a API Key

Collin Peterson avatar
Written by Collin Peterson
Updated over a week ago

This article is intended for HelloTeam users with ADMIN Access Level

In order to link your integration, you will need to generate an API Key.

How to Generate your API Key

Step 1
To generate an API key for a integration, start by logging into the platform.

Step 2
From the sidebar, click the three dots to extend the drop-down menu.
Click API access tokens.

Step 3
Create or edit an existing API Key

  • If you have an existing API key, you can use the edit button to update the scopes on the key. Skip to Step 5

  • If you do not have an existing key, use the "Generate new token" button to create a new key:

Step 4
Configure the scopes you will need for your integration.

At a minimum we will need "View public data" to retrieve basic employee data like name, email, and job title.

  • Enabling "View public and private data" allows us to read information including:

    • gender

    • date of birth

    • country

    • city

    • state

    • zip_code

    • remote_id

    • job_title

    • phone_number

    • email_address

  • If you need compensation data for your integration, enable "View compensations".

  • You can reference the Humaans docs for more details on API key scopes.

Step 5
Be sure to share your Humaans API Key with your HelloTeam representative so that they can complete your authentication.

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