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UKG Pro - Service User Basic Auth

Help setting up your UKG Pro Service Account for Merge Link

Collin Peterson avatar
Written by Collin Peterson
Updated over a week ago

This article is intended for HelloTeam users with ADMIN Access Level

Video Demo

Written Instructions

Step One: Find your UKG Pro Customer API Key

1.) You'll want to login to your UKG Pro account and search Service Account Administration in your search bar on the top right.

2.) Copy the Customer API Key from under the header.

3.) Be sure to share your Customer API Key with your HelloTeam representative so that they can complete your authentication.

Step Two: Create your Service Account

1.) On the UKG Pro Service Account Administration Page, click on "+ add" in the upper right hand side.

2.) Enter in the admin of your UKG Pro account's username and email. You will need the username later.

3.) Scroll down under Web Service to enable permissions.

View Employee Person Details is required to authenticate your account with Merge.

View Employee Pay Statement, PTO Plan Integration, Company Configuration Integration, Payroll Integration, Personnel Integration, Employee Job History Details, Employee Person Details, Employee Compensation Details are other relevant permissions.

4.) Click Save. Your new password will pop up. Save the password in a secure location.

5.) Share your UKG Pro service account credentials with your HelloTeam representative.

This should be the user name of your admin service user and the password you just generated.

Step Three: Finding your UKG Web Service Domain.

1.) In your search bar, search for Web Services.

2.) Look at any of the "web service endpoint URLs" and find your subdomain.

For example if your URL is, then your subdomain is "Servicet".

3.) Find your top-level domain.

For example if your URL is, then your top level domain is "".

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